Wedding Planner Rome by Anna Maria Nardi

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Welcome to “Le Masserie” in Apulia, one of the most noted wedding location in Italy.


Whether it’s Summer or Winter, inside or outside, by day or night and even on Christmas, the Apulia Region will make for your destination wedding, your most beautiful dreams come true. And it can also became the splendid frame for your civil right wedding ceremony, as well as the memorable place for your guests stay. We are here to take you through every single detail choice. To provide with artistic and image consultation, helping you in tailoring an event that speaks of your personality.

Classic, funny, sumptuous, spectacular, creative or elegant? Every wedding, with us is different from the other. Anna Maria Nardi of Wedding Planner Roma and her team, are ready to make your dream come true. Apulia is so rich of history and pure beauty and will not disappoint you so that your wedding day becomes a treasured memory for your guests too.


Other important points about Masseria:

  • Eating at a Masseria

If you don’t have family in Puglia then the next best thing is to stay at a masseria. These fortified farmhouses are found all over the countryside and many offer guest accommodation. Some are fancy affairs but others are smaller, more rustic experiences where you eat with the family. At Masseria Sant’Angelo in Corigliano d’Otranto us guests sat with hosts Rocco and Ursula, and sometimes their friends, at a long table on the terrace while an endless stream of dishes were brought out—perhaps eight antipasti, followed by pasta, cheese, dessert and fruit. The food was simple but delicious and it was the best way to try local specialities.

As the masserie are working farms you can try wine, cheese, olive oil, and jams they’ve made themselves as well as eating vegetables picked straight from the garden. An antipasto is an Italian starter, and in Puglia it’s the highlight of a meal. The best option is to choose the antipasti of the house that most restaurants offer. You never know what you’re going to get, but there will be multiple small dishes, almost always vegetarian. Common dishes are vegetables marinated in oil, grilled, fried or stuffed—in the summer there’s lots of aubergine, peppers, and zucchini; cheese, olives, and things like potato croquettes, sformato which is a kind of heavier soufflé made with cheese and vegetables, or torta, which is similar but made with pastry. Whatever you find on your plate it’s bound to be fresh and bursting with flavour. Puglia is an agricultural region in the far south of Italy (it’s the heel of the country’s boot). With plenty of sun, fertile soil, and a flat landscape it’s ideal for growing vegetables. Local and seasonal aren’t fashionable buzz words here, it’s just the way things are done. The fruit and vegetables are fresh and flavourful, with a more intense flavour than further north. The juicy tomatoes and cucumbers we ate here are different species from the insipid vegetables you find in England.


  • It’s a Vegetarian Nirvana

It’s not just fruit and vegetables either. Puglia has over 60 million olive trees and produces 23% of the olive oil in Europe. The fruity liquid is applied liberally to all the local dishes and enhances even the simplest plate of vegetables. There are also vineyards all over the region producing some excellent local wines including full bodied reds like Salice Salentino, Primitivo, and Nero di Troia, and refreshing white and rosé wines ideal for summer lunches.

We can’t wait to show you the marvels of Apulia.

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Who would you like to talk with about your dreams? 

Anna Maria Nardi

Anna Maria – Contacts
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    Nathalie Orlandi

    Nathalie – Contacts 
    Luca Bertollo

    Luca – Contacts