Wedding Planner Rome by Anna Maria Nardi

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A Special Destination Wedding: A Jewish Wedding in Rome.

How to get married in the Roman Synagogue?

Here you will read a small historical nod.

Roman’s Jews are Europe’s longest surviving Jewish community and occupy a unique place in the history of the Diaspora. Jews have been living in Rome, as well as in other Mediterranean cities, since the 3rd century BCE. Their homeland was overcrowded, and troubled with foreign occupations. As a result, Jews migrated to the other Mediterranean towns, where they formed Communities

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Two French Jews,Sara and Ben, who want to get married in Rome.

They told me their wishes, about how to create a wonderful event. So I called all my partners and asked them to help me in this first Jewish religious marriage. The partners immediately felt proud to be able to attend this event, so we ate their love and a long and serene life, the story continues.

I decided to suggest to Sara and Ben to spend their Roman days in a beautiful hotel “De Russie” in the center of Rome. This way all activities were very easy to plan and attain. The synagogue is quite central.
The day before Sara was ready for her “Mikveh” at the synagogue. Sara had to do her ritual purificating bath before being ready for the wedding. I had the chance to experience a few Jewish ceremonies. Jewish ceremonies are really something stunning.
First of all there is the “Ketubah”. This is a real a marriage contract that needs to be signed by two witnesses. Jewish Principle, a good woman is a “fortune” for the man who has found her
Bride and groom needs to be with Rabbi under a wedding canopy called “Nissuin/Huppah” and the groom gives a ring he owns to his wife.
After that a glass needs to be broken and couple is married!

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Anna Maria Nardi

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