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Wedding destination proposal : the millennials have chosen classics

There are a lot of words associated to the millennial generation lazy entrepreneurial, ambitious and crop tops, just to name a few. But one that usually doesn’t get thrown in the mix: traditional. However, according to a new survey, when it comes to marriage proposals, millennials are all about going old-school.

The poll of 2,000 married couples across the country says:  online diamond bridal jewelry retailer, found that millennials (ages 18 to 34) are more than twice as likely as people over 45 to have had a proposal where the person proposing got down on one knee. And one in three of these millennials think proposing in this way is of the utmost importance.

In some more surprising news, millennials were also more likely than the over-45 set to have a religious element included in the proposal (a mention of God, proposing in a religious setting, or timing it to a religious day). And over 60 percent of them asked a parent for permission for a hand in marriage; only 20 percent of their older counterparts felt that this was necessary.  “Millennials may be more likely to honor ‘traditional’ proposal customs than one might expect, but they add personal touches where it matters.”

Yet millennials did tend stick to their more modern ways when it came to buying engagement rings. Millennials were still three times more likely to buy their engagement ring online versus those over 45. And this generation also thinks more money needs to be spent on the engagement ring.

Millennials are twice as likely to say that spending at least a month’s worth of wages on the engagement ring is “extremely” important, going as far as to say that the rock should cost an average of two and a half months’ rent, while those over 45 thought just over one and a half months would suffice. Interestingly, the study found that people living in the Northeast spend twice as much on rings as those in the Southwest

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