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4 Things to Not Do the Week of Your Wedding

The week leading up to your wedding is undoubtedly the most exciting, busy, and emotional time of your life. With last minute to-dos, arrangements, phone calls, confirmations and more — it’s the last bit of time to ensure everything is a-ok and ready to go. While it’s completely normal to feel a bit anxiously motivated to accomplish some last minute endeavors you otherwise hadn’t thought of until now — refrain! Trust us, you’ll definitely want to avoid doing these four things during your wedding week.

Invasive Beauty Treatments

Injections, peels, lasers, oh my. While there are tons of really great anti-aging, complexion enhancing and overall beautifying treatments out there that we adore, they are not meant for the week leading up to your wedding. Depending on the treatment, you run the risk of side effects including redness, swelling, peeling, allergic reactions — the list goes on. The time to experiment with these procedures is at least two-four weeks prior your walk down the aisle. Should the urge to book a last minute effort arise, speak to the estheticians about safe, non-invasive options that can relax and rejuvenate you instead.


Change Your Hair Color

All professional stylists and colorists will agree — the week before your wedding is not the time to change your hair color ESPECIALLY on a whim, or impulse. Pre-wedding hair coloring should be completed at least 7-10 days before you’re officially a Mrs. as new color needs time to oxidize and settle before being professionally styled and photographed. Hair color consults should be booked about three months before the wedding to ensure you have the perfect hair hue for you, with the actual coloring falling within a 7-14 day window. (This also allows enough time for any color correction, toning, or glazing that you may wish to have done, too!)

See More: The Ultimate 30-Day Wedding Shape Up Routine

Crash Diet

We know everyone wants to look, feel, and be the best versions of themselves as they walk down the aisle — but the time to drastically change your diet or exercise regimen is NOT these precious 7 days. Not only can crash dieting, or intense modifications to your daily routine wreak havoc on your alertness, complexion and mood — it’s entirely unhealthy and potentially dangerous. (It can also have the opposite result you had hoped for, too.) By this time, your final fitting has happened and you know you look amazing in your bridal best. Even if you are a few pounds away from where you “thought” you’d be — take pride in how far you have come, and focus instead on how your husband’s (and everyone else’s) jaw will drop at the first glimpse of the bride. (You!)

Make Any Wedding Changes

Cold feet and pre-wedding anxiety are natural for many brides-to-be, especially the week before the big day. But making any last minute decisions should be avoided at all costs — however big or small. Unless any circumstances change that are beyond your control, everything you have decided and chosen has been carefully thought over and planned, and should not be amended at such a vulnerable and hectic time. Calm your nerves and second guesses by channeling confidence in the decisions you have made, and know that your wedding will be everything you wanted it to be.


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