Wedding Planner Rome by Anna Maria Nardi

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Celebrate your wedding with your pet !


How to engage your animals during your most beautiful day, to make it memorable!
Not surprisingly, many couples involve their animals on the day of their marriage. What could be more adorable than a dog in a tuxedo?
“The animal plays an important role in the life of a couple and in family life”, the party would not be complete without the presence of your faithful companion, it is becoming more and more common for couples to personalize their events and weddings including family, friends and adorable furry, four-legged pets. ” And now we have the professionals, Pet Sitter, to help us make your best friend even happier. If you want to include your pet, there are still some precautions. We asked a Pet Sitter agency some tips on how to keep our “friend” safe and happy during the wedding party.
First, consider the personality of your pet
A pet can be a guest of honor and simply attend the wedding party. At the ceremony, your “friend” can have a specific role (the ring bearer). But before you give it a leading role, consider whether it can be a pleasant experience for him. Will your “friend” feel comfortable among your guests? Is it obedient and well-mannered? There are no guarantees that your “friend” will behave exactly as you want on your wedding day. Even the most open and friendly animal can be overwhelmed by a crowd of guests… The pet needs to feel at home among your guests and therefore considered hiring a Pet Sitter, which will act as a guide. And if your pet is particularly troublesome, consider a guide for the whole event .. And if it’s too affectionate or easily distracted, make sure to use a short leash.
Ask the location whether animals are allowed during your ceremony
With so many things to do on your list, it’s easy to forget this simple but important request.
If you can not bring your pet? You can always include your pet in the photographs after the ceremony.
Do not compromise the wellbeing of your “friend”, if you want to dress him up, do it with confidence and style but remember, comfort is key!

Plan to dress your dog with a tuxedo? Make sure it fits properly, not only with his personality, but also so your pet doesn’t experience any discomfort. Some ideas for your “friend’s” outfit: accessories can be simple, a bow tie or a flower attached to the collar is a fun way to dress it up easily. Make sure all accessories are securely to the collar, and do not present a choking hazard for your animal. Ensure that the flowers or plants used for your wedding, are not toxic to your pet.

Inform guests

Communicate this information-warnings, via email or on your website (if you have one), ask if your guests have allergies to animals, there are many people who suffer from it.

Inform the photographer

Prepare the photographer, ask to take pictures of you and your pet such as when it is in action during the event, during the cute and unexpected moments, or during cute moments, such as when the dog jumps on you to embrace you, or other, etc.

Book a Pet Sitter
You have enough to worry about on your wedding day, this is why hiring a pet sitter is essential, the sitter will be responsible and they will take care of your pet and lead him during the ceremony and then bring him home. This way, you will have no worries, everything will be taken care of and it will be a after for the pet.
Of course, dogs are not the only animals that you can include on your wedding day! Do you love your horse, cat, bunny, or snake? Include them in the wedding or in the wedding pictures! And here’s a fun opportunity if your friend flies: tie the rings to they foot and you’ll have a flying ring bearer.
Good luck to you and your special friends!


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    Nathalie – Contacts 
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