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Five signs that you are fulfilled in your relationship

We are accustomed to the classics: flowers, chocolates and other romantic gestures. But the romance can only go so far. Successful relationships occur when we choose with our heads as much as with our hearts. In fact, what we might consider unromantic may initially be a major turning point and be the glue that holds a relationship together over time.

With that in mind, here are five signs that you are fulfilled in your relationship – flowers and chocolate are not necessary!

  1. Your partner does things that you like that they would not normally do.

If your partner does things that you love, while being happy and without protest, your relationship is worth gold. Why? Because, playing or watching every episode of Scandal could not be their cup of tea, but they do it anyway because they want to be with you and see you happy. It is also a sign that they are looking into the future.

  1. Your partner shares your work ethic.

According to Anna Maria Nardi, having a partner with a very different attitude towards the value and importance of work can make you become the only person in your relationship, and this is not a situation you’ll want to live in forever. Imagine having to carry all the weight of the chores, childcare, housekeeping and managing finances! Not only can this lead to burnout, but also provoke the resentment or a loss of affection and respect.

  1. Your partner does what it takes for this to be done.

And there is no blame on the fact that you did not take out the garbage for two months. It may be your turn to do something, but they do it because they can and want to: it shows a generosity of spirit and a willingness to be part of the team. It also demonstrates maturity by not keeping to strict interpretations of rules or expectations.

  1. Your partner does things when you ask them to.

There is nothing worse than nagging your partner about something they promised a few weeks ago and still has not fulfilled. This leaves you with the belief that your needs are a priority for your partner.

  1. They face their family for you.

You want to please your in-laws who could be part of your future, but sometimes it does not go as you expected. In this situation, a man or woman who confronts her family for you is amazing. One of the biggest challenges of marriage is the inability for a partner to develop appropriate boundaries with other important people in her life.


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