Wedding Planner Rome by Anna Maria Nardi

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Finding the Perfect Church

Each religion has its own traditions and ritual. Different existing religions in Italian country-  Dreaming of a magical wedding in Rome? Here at Wedding Planner Roma, we can help you by suggesting the most beautiful churches Rome has to offer and for every religion. We can help you celebrate weddings weather your faith is Islamic, Orthodox, Armenian, Hindu, Jewish, or Christian! In this post, you will see photos of places of worship in Rome. In Italy, white doves are a symbol of eternal love. We can also help you to have doves that soar as high as your love for your wedding day.

White doves always contain multiple meanings and have been appreciated since ancient times. Symbolizing marital fidelity since they remain faithful for life to their mates, and form stable pairs, they are let free to fly as the bride and groom exit the church. We want to share with you the churches that we find the most beautiful, and from here you can let the doves fly, knowing that your love will be forever. We can help you choose the church that will be the perfect one for your wedding in Rome.



  • Vatican City Church: S. Anna dei Palafrenieri
    • 50-60 people can attend this beautiful church in the Vatican City. Being married here will make you feel embraced in the Catholic faith and Christ. You will be married inside the walls of hundreds of years of history and religion. This church is less touristic as opposed to St. Peter’s Basilica, therefore making your ceremony that much more special.



  • Roman Catholic Basilica: St. Maria degli Angeli e Matiri
    • The Basilica of St. Mary of the Angels and the Martyrs is a titular basilica church in Rome, Italy built inside the Frigidarium of the Baths of Diocletian Roman period. This beautiful church was designed by Michelangelo and the paintings and mosaics throughout the building will take your breath away, similar to how you will take your guest’s breath away on your special day.



  • The Mosque of Rome (Moschea di Roma)
    • Located in Parioli, it is the largest Mosque outside of the Islamic world, Russia and India. Italian Muslim destination weddings can be held in private locations with Imam or the Sheikh attending the ceremony or possibly in Italy.



Armenian Church San Nicola da Tolentinolt

  • One of the two Armenian churches in Rome. It is really impressive inside and made by barocco style. Outside the church, you can find Armenian khachkar and memorial to Armenian genocide. According to old Armenian tradition, at the church the couple and their guests would celebrate their destination wedding. After they will have the red and green ribbon ceremony to symbolize the peace, which is said to be another old Armenian tradition.


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Synagogue Temple Majeur

  • This temple was built in 1870 and is one of the largest in Europe. It had to be built between the two great symbols of the rediscovered Roman freedom: the Capitol, the city next to it, The monument to Vittorio Emanuele II, and the Janiculum, the site of the most ferocious battles of the Risorgimento and where there is a monument to Garibaldi. 15,000 Roman Jews, and not all the inhabitants of the ghetto, give life to one of the most important buildings in Italian community. Rome is an enchanting place that welcomes all Jewish couples to enjoy their love and celebrate their wedding in the beautiful historic synagogue. Anyone who would like a Jewish wedding in Italy may find this to be an ideal location for their special day.


Lutheran Church

  • The Christuskirche is a Lutheran Evangelical church in Rome. It was built between 1910 and 1922 under direction of architect Franz Heinrich Schwechten, who also responsible for the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtniskirche in Berlin. In Rome, you will find a beautiful atmosphere that will uplift your soul and your love.



Hindu Weddings

  • There are plenty of venues in Rome, Apulia, Venice, Tuscany, Sicily, and Sardina that can host an amazing Hindu wedding.


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