Wedding Planner Rome by Anna Maria Nardi

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(Disclaimer: It’s totally cool if you didn’t have any of these at your very Christ-centered wedding. This article is in no way calling you disobedient.)

A practicing wife wants to share with us the reason for her wedding at the church:


I get married in church

I am married in a church and I am a believer and a practitioner

I go to Mass on Sundays and holy days

I believe in god

I believe in God before the sacrament of marriage

I believe in the church

I am a sinner like everybody, I try to follow the precepts that this religion gives us … I try, but do not always succeed

If I sin, I do not regret it, I correct myself by trying to understand my mistake and repent for the future

I am a sinner, but I know that the Lord forgives my sins

I marry in the church not for the robe, nor for the beautiful ceremony, but because as my husband, I am a believer

If God grants us children, we will baptize them, take all the sacraments and educate them according to our religion.

All those who marry in church do it not for the white robe.

All those who marry in church do it not for the beautiful ceremony.

All those who marry in church do it not to please the parents.

Need help?

Many question are already answered, if not, you can talk with Camilla sending a mail at:

Or call us WhatsApp: +39 338 2276 547



Who would you like to talk with about your dreams? 

Anna Maria Nardi

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    Nathalie Orlandi

    Nathalie – Contacts 
    Luca Bertollo

    Luca – Contacts