Wedding Planner Rome by Anna Maria Nardi

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Juliet: the promise of amazing vows !

Your wedding vows are one of the most emotional parts of the ceremony, so you’ll want to make them the best they can be.
While we will never get tired of those age-old traditional vows (seriously, how romantic is it to marry with words people have been saying for centuries?), there is something so special about taking the time to write your own. Your love story is unique, and your wedding is a chance to give your loved ones insight into what makes yours one worth celebrating. But sitting down to put all those feelings and memories into words is hard work! Just like every detail of a wedding, though, there’s a pro who can help. Alexis Dent, founder of vow- and toast-writing company XO Juliet has tips to take your vows to the next level.

Share the Highs and the Lows

“Many people make the mistake of thinking that vows are only about the highs in your relationship,” says Dent. “But guests (and your S.O.) want to hear vows that are real. If you’ve been through bumpy spots, spots where you thought you wouldn’t make it as a couple, or spots where one or both of you had physical or emotional hardships, you should express that.” Your guests know that no relationship is perfect, and you and your partner know it, too, because you’ve been there. “Perfect relationships don’t even exist in fairytales. Look at Cinderella: That relationship was two steps away from not happening!” Dent emphasizes. So while positive vibes are a must-have on your wedding day, skipping the trying parts—you know, the moments that made you realize your partner would be there for you through it all—could create a lack of realism that alienates your guests. “Of course, it shouldn’t be to the point where people are wondering why you’re getting married! But sprinkling the lows amongst the highs will confirm what everyone wants to hear and feel at a wedding: that love is not simply a feeling but a choice, and that you and your partner are choosing to love one another.”

Bonus: Hire a Pro!

If the thought of writing and perfecting your vows is totally overwhelming, you don’t have to do it yourself. Instead, hire a Pro to help you! XO Juliet offers a series of packages, from a basic questionnaire and single draft to one-on-one consultations and personal vows for you both. There’s also public speaking coaching, if you’ve got the words but need help getting them out in front of an audience, speech-writing for your MOH or best man, and even custom wedding hashtags!

Please do not hesitate with any questions, contact us and we will help!


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