Wedding Planner Rome by Anna Maria Nardi

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Post By: Anna Maria Nardi

How To Have Memorable Photos of Your Wedding in Rome, While Escaping The Tourist Influx ?

You’re getting married in Rome? How to immortalize this magical moment, in a city so populated and invaded by tourists? Because, for sure, a wedding photo invaded by tourists is not ideal! Here are some tips and places to immortalize the most beautiful day of your life, in a Roman but quiet atmosphere and sheltered […]

Zodiac Sign – summer 2018

“He loves me, a little, a lot, madly…” Are you tired of tearing the petals off the daisies to find out whether or not he’s finally gonna propose to you? We understand you. Don’t despair, your horoscope will be able to answer you if, according to its sign, your man thinks or not about marriage. […]

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