Wedding Planner Rome by Anna Maria Nardi

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Post By: Anna Maria Nardi

Juliet: the promise of amazing vows !

Your wedding vows are one of the most emotional parts of the ceremony, so you’ll want to make them the best they can be. While we will never get tired of those age-old traditional vows (seriously, how romantic is it to marry with words people have been saying for centuries?), there is something so special […]

Tips for your big day!

No matter how much you budget and plan, it’s inevitable: your wedding is going to take a major chip out of your wallet. And for first-time brides, it’s hard to know exactly what details are worth spending money on and what can be left out. Luckily, wedding planning website Zola is here to help all new brides plan accordingly. The site […]

italian artisanal favors

These small boxes or gifts are accompanied by five sugared almonds which symbolize fertility, longevity, wealth, health and happiness. Wedding favors are diverse and most of times recall the theme, the place or the color scheme of the wedding. They can be small elegant boxes, silver picture frames, or fine luxury fabrics as the one […]

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