Wedding Planner Rome by Anna Maria Nardi

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Post By: Anna Maria Nardi

A Very Large Thank You

Thanks to my current suppliers and also to those who intend to work with me in the future. This is important, these people contribute a lot for the success of an event, so I feel the need to thank them publicly. Even if we do not answer, because there are many requests arriving, we are […]

Finding the Perfect Church

Each religion has its own traditions and ritual. Different existing religions in Italian country-  Dreaming of a magical wedding in Rome? Here at Wedding Planner Roma, we can help you by suggesting the most beautiful churches Rome has to offer and for every religion. We can help you celebrate weddings weather your faith is Islamic, […]

What Could Go Wrong With Your Wedding?

What could go wrong with your wedding? 1-You’re researching everything, planning carefully, dotting every ‘i’ and crossing every ‘t’. Most weddings go without a hitch (and we sincerely hope yours does, too). However, circumstances beyond your control could still lead to disaster for your wedding or reception. Thankfully, you can insure your wedding against these […]

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