Wedding Planner Rome by Anna Maria Nardi


Why choose a symbolic Wedding in Rome ?

A symbolic ceremony allows the couple to experience their wedding just as they would if they were being married civilly/legally, and most couples do not share with their guests that they are having a symbolic ceremony; because to them, it is the OFFICIAL ceremony and as real to them as it would be if were legal.

The Benefits of a Symbolic Wedding

  • First of all, the Italian bureaucracy is tquite complex so often grooms and brides don’t want to deal with several laws and Italian civil code. A symbolic ritual has no legal or religious value, that’s true. But let’s look on the plus side: you can make papers in your home country and fly to Italy to get married anywhere you wish.
  • Symbolic rites might be celebrated almost anywhere, so why not to choose one of the many beautiful venues of Italy and arrange the wedding there? You can say Yes outdoor, indoor, in a Castle, on the beach, on a rooftop and the list goes on!
  • You can customise symbolic ceremonies in detail, like the length, the celebrant, the music and, finally, the setting and location. Friends and families can actively be part of the rite, reading letters, poems or personal dedications to the newlyweds. Your celebrant might recommend you the ritual of the sand, as well as to seal a box with wine and promises to be opened ten years ahead. The virtual customisations are endless, and you can make it really yours.
  • You can organise both the ceremony and reception in the same location. You can walk on your heels down the aisle and then to the cocktail hour arm in arm with your husband! Same venue means different settings in the same place. So you can enjoy most of the time with your friends and live the Big Day peacefully with the people you love.

Who would you like to talk with about your dreams? 

Anna Maria Nardi

Anna Maria – Contacts
we would love to get to know you better

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    Nathalie Orlandi

    Nathalie – Contacts 
    Luca Bertollo

    Luca – Contacts